One of the most essential aspects of planning your estate is writing your will. However, most people do not have a good idea of what they might need to consider before they begin writing. Here are five major issues you should think about when you are writing your will: Continue reading “Five Issues to Consider When Writing Your Will”
Category: Last Will and Testament
Personal Property Should Always Be Addressed in a Last Will and Testament
More often than not, a Last Will and Testament fails to address a decedent’s wishes for how to distribute his or her personal property. Personal property may include low-value tangible items, keepsakes, high-end artwork, jewelry, antiques, coin collections or valuable wine or liquor collections, among other things. Continue reading “Personal Property Should Always Be Addressed in a Last Will and Testament”
New Executor Nomination Form Explicitly Requests Criminal History
While a testator has the ability to name anyone as his or her executor, there are certain grounds for disqualification. According to the Surrogate’s Court Procedure Act § 707, a nominated executor is ineligible if he or she is: Continue reading “New Executor Nomination Form Explicitly Requests Criminal History”
The Fundamentals of Capacity when Executing a Will
The main component to executing a Last Will and Testament or any advance directive is that a testator must have testamentary capacity at the time of execution. In accordance with New York State law, a person must be of “sound mind.”
Specifically, the testator “must have the intelligent knowledge of his or her natural objects of their bounty, property, and possessions, and must know what he or she wishes to do with those assets.” Continue reading “The Fundamentals of Capacity when Executing a Will”
Creating a Trust May be in Your Best Interest
A Last Will and Testament addresses how a person wishes his or her assets to be distributed upon their death. A Will sets forth detailed information regarding the distribution of any real property, vehicles, boats, tangible and intangible belongings, and often life insurance, among others. In addition, it may also designate certain assets to charitable institutions. It is worth noting that a Will can be revoked or replaced at any time and should be reviewed on a regular basis to reflect any life changes. Continue reading “Creating a Trust May be in Your Best Interest”
A Delay in the Probate Process May Require a Petition for the Appointment of Preliminary Executor
Probate refers to the process before a Surrogate’s Court judge, where a Last Will and Testament is admitted, an executor is appointed, and assets are distributed to beneficiaries. This process takes place in the county where a decedent resided at the time of his or her death. Under New York State law, a nominated executor must file a petition for probate, along with a decedent’s Last Will and Testament, and must provide notice to the decedent’s heirs; otherwise, a decedent’s Last Will and Testament will not be admitted to probate. The reason for this process is to provide distributees the opportunity to contest a decedent’s Will. Continue reading “A Delay in the Probate Process May Require a Petition for the Appointment of Preliminary Executor”
The Difference Between a Living Will and a Last Will and Testament
Living Will
A living will is a medical directive outlining how a person wishes to be treated in the event that he or she becomes incapacitated and can no longer make decisions for themselves. A living will may address situations involving: Continue reading “The Difference Between a Living Will and a Last Will and Testament”
What To Do If You Don’t Have The Original Last Will And Testament
Probate is the process in Surrogates Court where a Last Will and Testament is proved and accepted, an executor is appointed and all assets are distributed to the intended recipients as stated in the Will. Joint assets with a right of survivorship, life insurance policies or other assets that name a beneficiary are not probated. The probate process includes paying estate taxes, debts, taxes and administrative costs, as well as distributing assets to the intended beneficiaries. Continue reading “What To Do If You Don’t Have The Original Last Will And Testament”
Disinheriting A Child May Result in a Will Contest
A disinherited child has the right to contest a parent’s Will if he or she is disinherited, not named as a beneficiary or left with a disproportionate share. In accordance with the laws of estate administration, a disinherited child is allowed to contest a Will because he or she would have been entitled to a share of a parent’s estate if he or she had died without a Will. Continue reading “Disinheriting A Child May Result in a Will Contest”
Estate Planning to Protect Your Loved One’s Assets
If a family member or loved one is currently receiving Community Medicaid and has a home in his or her name, Medicaid is entitled to issue a claim against the property upon his or her death. In accordance with federal law, a person receiving benefits from the New York State Medicaid program is subject to estate recovery for assets passed through probate. This means that once a probate proceeding occurs, the Department of Social Services is entitled to recover for the services provided to the deceased through the Medicaid program because the assets were in their name alone. Continue reading “Estate Planning to Protect Your Loved One’s Assets”