A Power of Attorney is a type of document known as an advance directive, and it is an essential part of any comprehensive estate plan. Far too many people begin planning their estates without a Power of Attorney in place, though, which is an oversight that can become extremely costly later. Here are five reasons you should make sure you have a Power of Attorney in place for yourself as part of your estate plan: Continue reading “Five Reasons to Make Sure You Have a Power of Attorney”
Category: Elder Law
Remember: There is a Secondary Process by a MLTCC Once Approved for Community Medicaid
Once a person is approved for Community Medicaid, which is care provided by a home health aide to a Medicaid recipient in his or her home, he or she must be evaluated by a Managed Long-Term Care Company (MLTCC) before receiving services. As a requirement of the Department of Social Services (DSS), an approved Community Medicaid recipient must enroll with a MLTCC who will send an evaluator to assess the benefit recipient’s condition in order to create a care plan that will suit his or her daily needs. The evaluator will determine the number of hours per day that the recipient is entitled to receive a home health aide to assist with his or her basic daily needs. Continue reading “Remember: There is a Secondary Process by a MLTCC Once Approved for Community Medicaid”
Navigating the Uncertainties for Long-Term Care Needs
Medicare is a Federal program enacted in 1965. It is an earned-benefit program for those that are aged 65 or older or disabled. It consists of parts A, B, C and D. Part A is for hospital insurance coverage, as well as limited stays in nursing homes and some rehabilitative services such as physical, vocational, and speech therapy. Usually, there is no co-pay for Part A coverage. However, it is $167.50 per day for skilled nursing facility visits in excess of twenty-one days. Continue reading “Navigating the Uncertainties for Long-Term Care Needs”
Be Familiar with a MOLST Form
In 2006, the Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment or MOLST program began in Onondaga and Monroe Counties and was later implemented on a statewide basis. In 2010, the Department of Health updated the MOLST form to remain compliant with the Family Health Care Decisions Act (FHCDA). A MOLST form is an advanced directive that a person may choose to execute to ensure that his or her wishes for end of life are carried out properly. Requesting a MOLST form helps assist in facilitating a discussion between medical professionals and patient’s or his or her legal surrogate to develop an adequate treatment plan that reflects the patient’s desires in the end stages of life. Continue reading “Be Familiar with a MOLST Form”
Elder Abuse Is Common – Look For The Signs!
Elder abuse is a common problem throughout the United States and often goes unnoticed. It is essential for family members and loved ones to be aware of signs of elder abuse in order to protect their aging loved one. Elder abuse may be physically, emotionally, and medically draining on a victim. Continue reading “Elder Abuse Is Common – Look For The Signs!”