FTC Addresses Rash of False and Unsubstantiated Coronavirus Claims

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, people are desperate for anything that might protect them from the disease or cure them if they have it. While plenty of companies are now hard at work on legitimate means of addressing the crisis, there have also been many people looking to cash in on people’s desperation. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has begun seriously cracking down on these fraudulent actors, sending out letters to dozens of companies making false or unsubstantiated claims about their products and their ability to fight the virus. Continue reading “FTC Addresses Rash of False and Unsubstantiated Coronavirus Claims”

NY PAUSE Extended to May 15 by Governor Cuomo

Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that New York’s coronavirus quarantine measures, known more formally as the New York PAUSE (Police that Assures Uniform Safety of Everyone), will be extended until May 15. The PAUSE, which began on March 22, has heavily restricted most business operations and shut down all non-essential government functions. While it was initially intended to last only a few weeks, it has since been extended twice to deal with the severity of the coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading “NY PAUSE Extended to May 15 by Governor Cuomo”

CDC Issues Guidance That Coronavirus Does Not Justify Discrimination

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued legal guidance with respect to people’s reactions to the outbreak of the coronavirus in China. Namely, they wish to remind businesses that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of national origin and race, and that such rules are still in effect. In particular, they want to emphasize that the coronavirus can infect anyone, and people of Asian descent should not be singled out as being more likely to carry the disease. Continue reading “CDC Issues Guidance That Coronavirus Does Not Justify Discrimination”

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