Maintenance, formerly called alimony, is financial support one spouse provides for the other during and/or after divorce proceedings. Maintenance is used to allow the supported spouse to maintain the lifestyle to which he or she is accustomed and to provide him/her with an opportunity to ‘rehabilitate’ and develop the skills or undergo the training necessary to be financially self-sufficient. Continue reading “Determining Maintenance in New York”
Tag: alimony
Tax Filing Considerations for Divorced Couples
As April 15 quickly approaches, more people are seeking to file their taxes each day. However, for couples who have recently divorced, filing taxes may present unique challenges. Many find themselves asking similar questions regarding how each individual will file their taxes during and after divorce proceedings, which spouse can claim the child or children as dependents, and whether or not alimony and child support are tax-deductible. Continue reading “Tax Filing Considerations for Divorced Couples”
Divorce Rate Doubles Among Older Couples
According to a 2013 study published by Bowling Green State University, the divorce rate among middle-aged and older adults has doubled between 1990 and 2010. “Gray divorce,” a divorce that occurs among people age 50 years or older, accounts for 1 in 4 divorces in the United States, and nearly 1 in 10 divorcées are age 65 years or older. Continue reading “Divorce Rate Doubles Among Older Couples”