Beginning last July, lawsuits began flooding the federal courthouse in Pittsburgh claiming corporations’ websites were not accessible to the blind and other individuals with disabilities, thus violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Companies such as Foot Locker Inc and Toys R Us were some of the household names, among others, that were targeted. Continue reading “Making Websites More Accessible For the Disabled”
Tag: Business Law
New York’s Proposed Paid Family Leave Act Benefits Businesses
Currently, under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), an employee can take time off for family events, such as to care for an ill family member or when a child is born. Employees are only eligible when they work at companies with 50 or more employees, unless they work at designated governmental organizations or schools. Under FMLA, an employee can take up to 12 weeks of work off that are uncompensated. Although the employee is not paid for the time they do not work, their job is secure for that period of time.
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Things to Consider When Choosing an LLC or LLP
When starting a business, there are many legal forms the venture can take. Two of the more well-known types are limited liability companies (LLC) and limited liability partnerships (LLP). Although both LLCs and LLPs have similar characteristics to corporations and partnerships, the way these structures are managed and taxed, as well as potential liability can differ.
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Alleged Transgender Discrimination Charges Filed with the EEOC Dismissed
The Suffolk Times reported that in June, 2015 a North Fork winery was named in a lawsuit for alleged employment discrimination against a transgendered man who worked in the Manhattan store location. The plaintiff claims that he was discriminated against based on being a transgendered male, and that his superiors spoke to him in a disrespectful manner, reduced his hours, assigned him to “menial tasks,” and eventually let him go citing downsizing, while still continually hiring new staff.
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Justice Scalia and the Business Law World
The death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has sparked conversations about how his opinions affected major areas of business law.
Justice Scalia left what some call a “business law legacy.” Some of his more important opinions include Morrison v. National Australia Bank, Wal-Mart Stores v. Dukes, AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, and American Express v. Italian Colors Restaurant. These cases had major impacts on business law and litigation.
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Department of Labor Seeking to Make Attorney-Client Communication Regarding Labor Unions Public
There are many complexities when starting a business, such as proper incorporation, complying with codes and regulations, accounting issues, and if there are employees, employment issues dependent on the number of workers. Seeking legal advice from an experienced business attorney is essential to adhering to proper laws and regulations.
One challenge in starting a business with multiple employees is the possible issue of labor unions. Labor unions have representatives who are well versed in how to organize workers, and know the ins and outs of labor law. The Department of Labor has regulations business owners must abide by, especially if the business owner is engaging in “persuader” activities.